Faking It: A Fake Girlfriend Romance Page 2
And, over time, I became what I would consider ‘normal’. I still wasn’t popular by any means, but at least I wasn’t one of the weird kids. I wasn’t invited to any of the cool kids’ parties, but I also didn’t get busted for alcohol, ruining my chances to get into a good school. In the end, things worked out for me. I’m just glad I could talk to Alex Rye now, and not have him remember me.
“Have you been back recently?” he asked. “It’s been years since I’ve been back there. My mom sold the house a few years ago, so there’s not really any reason for me to go to Hazelwood. I’ve always liked the town, though.”
“I was back just a few months ago,” I replied. “It’s the same as it ever was. I guess I didn’t realize that your parents moved.”
He gave a terse grin. “Well, my parents split up years ago. My dad bought a place up here and a few other places around the country when they split. My mom got remarried a few years ago and sold the place. She didn’t want to live in the same house that her first marriage failed in. I guess I don’t blame her.”
“No, I don’t either,” I said quickly. I guess that piece of gossip hadn’t reached me. I always had memories of riding my little scooter down the street and marveling at their big house. We lived in the same neighborhood, but we were by no means that rich.
“Do you know if kids still hang out at the parking lot beside the baseball fields?” he asked, a fond memory casting a glow over his face.
I blinked. “I didn’t know that was a thing.”
“Yes, you do,” he chuckled. “That was the go-to spot for all sorts of shenanigans. I had my first beer there. I think that’s also where I made out with a girl for the first time.”
“I wouldn’t know,” I said quietly. “I guess I hung out with a different crowd.”
He looked at my face for another moment, a faint smile on his lips. “I haven’t spoken to anyone from Hazelwood in a while. I was just so eager to get out on my own that I never really stopped to look back. Now that I think about it, I had a really good childhood there.”
“Me too,” I replied, though I was only partially sincere. By no means did I have a bad childhood, but I had a feeling that his was much better than mine.
“I really want to talk about home, but I have to go back to work,” he said, checking his watch. He kind of swayed in place, as if he were about to leave, but something was keeping him fixed in place.
“Oh, go ahead,” I said breathlessly. “I didn’t mean to keep you from your work.”
“Don’t worry about it,” he said. “Can we continue this conversation, though?”
“Sure,” I said, completely caught off guard by his interest in speaking with me. “Next class?”
“How about tonight? Can we meet up for a quick drink after work?”
“Really?” I asked.
“Why?” he frowned. “Do you not go out for drinks with your other instructors?”
“I don’t, but I think I can make an exception,” I replied coyly.
“Good. How about eight o’clock at Mercury?”
“Sounds good,” I replied, trying to remain calm and casual. I was completely out of my league, but he didn’t need to know that.
He flashed me a smile then picked up his belongings and left. I remained in the classroom for a few more seconds, completely shocked that our little conversation had gone so well. I was absolutely sure I was going to gush over how much I admired him, only for me to embarrass myself. I mean, I could still totally embarrass myself, but at least he knew my name and wanted to talk to me a little more. Maybe, if I played my cards right, I could use him as a reference when applying for jobs. Maybe, he would allow me to use him as a mentor as I worked through graduate school in the next two years.
I glanced down at my phone. If I wanted to get all of my homework done in time before our meeting, I had to hurry. I practically ran all the way back to my dorm, my mind buzzing. I wasn’t sure how I was going to work on my accounting homework while I couldn’t stop thinking about what I was going to wear. Now that I had an in with Alex Rye, I couldn’t do anything to mess it up. My future was on the line. My classmates would have killed to get some more one-on-one time with the man.
I wasn’t sure how I managed to pull it off, but I was thrilled. The geeky girl from Hazelwood wouldn’t have cared much for getting dolled up and having drinks with a big-shot, but she would have been proud of me for doing whatever I needed to do to follow my dreams. Even then, I one day wanted to make my father proud. While he probably didn’t want to see me with a player like Alex Rye, he was still a respected business man, and he could make or break my future if he really wanted to. I just hoped I could give him a good enough impression that he would decide to help me out. With my brains, and his connections, I would be an unstoppable force.
The second I got back to my suite and shut the door behind me, I started squealing. I didn’t even mean to do it—it was completely involuntary. I couldn’t remember the last time I had been this excited. It was probably the night the last Harry Potter book was released in stores or when I found out that I was accepted into the MBA program for the upcoming fall. This was something that was going to make a lasting impression on my life—I just didn’t know to what extent it would change me.
My roommate stuck her head out of her bedroom and gave me a quizzical look. “What’s wrong?” Carol asked.
I jumped, not realizing that she was home. “Nothing,” I gasped. “Something really strange happened in my last class. I don’t know how to feel about it yet.”
“Isn’t that the one with Alex Rye?” she questioned. “Did he do something?”
She seemed very suspicious of my instructor. I hadn’t told her much about that class, so I wasn’t sure where all of this was coming from.
“Well, I introduced myself at the end of class,” I said, feeling my face get warm again. “We’re from the same town, so we started to talk about home. He had to go, but wanted to continue our conversation. Carol, Alex Rye asked me to get a drink with him tonight!”
I was elated, but she didn’t seem convinced. However, she seemed somewhat amused.
“Seriously?” she asked.
“I was pretty surprised, too,” I laughed. “Is it wrong that I’m kind of excited to go? I mean, I’m freaking out, I’m so nervous. But, I think this could be really good for me.”
“How so?” she asked. “Are you going to hook up with him?”
My eyes widened. “I wasn’t planning on it. I was kind of hoping that he’d be able to hook me up with a job one day.”
She let out a dry guffaw. “You’re so naïve. It’s actually kind of cute.”
I frowned. “Yeah?”
“Sit down,” she said, pointing me toward the couch.
I plopped down on the sofa and she sat in the recliner, tucking her feet underneath her thighs.
“What do you really know about Alex Rye?” she asked.
“A fair amount,” I said. “I’m from the same town. I know that he was a big deal in high school. He used to have massive parties when his parents were out of town. I remember being able to hear the music from my house.”
“And what else?” she asked.
“Well, he’s making quite a name for himself in the investment industry,” I said. “He’s only four years older than us, and he’s making a killing with his hedge funds. I’ve read a few interviews that he’s done for different papers and magazines. He really knows his stuff. He’s a lot smarter than I would have ever pegged him in high school. Although, I guess he was still at the top of his class back then.”
“Okay, so you know about his personal life way back then, and his professional life today. You’ve got to know more than that. Even I’ve heard about his reputation here.”
I raised my eyebrows. “Like what?”
“You haven’t heard the stories?”
I shrugged. “I guess not.”
Carol sighed and shook her head.
“Normally, I don’t really give a crap about these kinds of rumors. But, you’re my friend, and I want you to know what you’re getting yourself into, okay? You’re a big girl who can make her own decisions, but you should have all of the facts first.”
“I thought you said they were rumors.”
She bit her lip. “Same thing. Do you know that he’s been sleeping with some of your classmates?”
“What?” I gasped.
“Yep. I heard that Mikayla Stevens went down on him in the stairwell of the business building one night. He arrived for a ‘tutoring session’ that was really just a way for her to thank him for accepting late homework.”
I furrowed my brow. “He doesn’t really care about our homework. I take it seriously, but I know that no one else does.”
“I heard that he used to come to campus to scope out hot girls. When he was a grad student, he would go to frat parties and bring sorority girls back to his apartment.”
“And he would have sex with them and never call them again. Sometimes, he had multiple girls with him at once.”
I stifled a giggle. I figured that someone like Alex Rye was a player. I really wasn’t surprised by what she was telling me.
“Am I supposed to be outraged?” I asked. “It’s not like he’s doing anything nefarious. I’m not a complete prude, am I?”
Carol scoffed. “When was the last time you hooked up with a guy?”
I thought for a minute. “I made out with a guy at a party three weeks ago.”
“You just made out?” she asked. “I think I’ve proved my point. What happens when you get to the bar tonight and he tries to get into your pants? You act like you’re just going to talk business, but this guy is known for sleeping with co-eds. Professors don’t meet their students alone in bars. He’s trying to fuck you. I just want you to know what you’re getting yourself into. You don’t seem like the type to fuck a professor. Remember, you still have to sit in class and listen to him speak for a few more weeks. It’s going to be awkward when he’s ditched you for the next one.”
I hadn’t really thought about that side of the upcoming meeting. The bar he chose was a sultry cocktail spot, far different than the noisy college bars. This place was meant for a more adult, more upscale crowd. We also weren’t meeting to talk in a coffee shop or somewhere with fewer implications. I could see how Carol would be concerned about this.
But, when I thought about getting drinks with Alex, I honestly didn’t care if things panned out. Best case scenario, our relationship would come in handy one day. But, if I only went to drinks and flirted with a hot guy, that would be enough for me. Alex was dead sexy and had a cool confidence that I had never seen before. He didn’t try too hard like all of the other college guys I knew. Alex could act as if he owned the city, because one day, he probably would. He had the attitude that he could back up with portfolio figures. I was attracted to that.
Back in high school, someone like Alex wouldn’t have given me the time of day. I often fantasized about what it would be like to go on a date with a popular guy. I was always jealous of the Prom Queen types who could land a hot guy. I wanted in on the fun. Finally, it seemed as though I was about to get my chance. I didn’t necessarily plan on sleeping with Alex, but if we ended up kissing at the end of the night, I wouldn’t mind. I tried to focus on getting good career advice from him, but my mind kept wandering into different avenues. I wanted to know what it was like to go on a date with an up and coming investment wizard.
“Are you going to have sex with him?” Carol asked. “If he invites you back to his place and starts taking your clothes off, will you let him?”
I pursed my lips, trying not to giggle. “Probably not.”
Carol gave me a judgmental look. “You’re not taking me seriously, are you?”
I shrugged. “I’m listening. I just think you’re worrying for nothing. I mean, it’s not like I’m in danger. He’s not a pervert—he’s just a playboy. If I don’t want to hook up with him, I won’t. I can’t believe I even have to think about this. Honestly, it’s absurd to assume that someone like Alex Rye would want to hook up with me. Honestly, I’m really not concerned about it. We’re just going to have a drink and talk about life back home. That’s it and that’s all.”
“If you say so,” Carol said, getting up from her seat. She walked back toward her room. “But, if things get weird and you want me to rescue you, just call. I’ll be here.”
“I don’t think that’s necessary, but thanks,” I said. “You’re a good friend.”
“I’m trying, anyway,” she said, one corner of her mouth forced into a smirk. “I’ve got to study now. I’ve got a History test tomorrow and I’ve hardly studied.”
“Good luck,” I replied, as I hauled my backpack into my room. I got a few books out and began to read from my assigned chapters, but my mind kept wandering.
I went to my closet and started to sift through clothes. Nothing seemed right for this occasion. I timidly knocked on Carol’s door.
“Hey,” I said, peeking into her room. “Can I borrow something to wear tonight?”
She sighed dramatically, but still let me rifle through her wardrobe. When I found something that I thought would work, I gave a quick thank you and scurried out.
I wasn’t sure what Carol’s issue with Alex was. After all, she had never interacted with him. I was the one who grew up down the street from him. I suspected it was jealousy. I was going out with a hot, successful person and she was staying in with a test to study for. We liked to commiserate about our lack of potential suitors and now I finally had one. It made sense to me that she might be a little envious of the fact that I was in a position to score if I wanted to, and she wasn’t.
I did my best to study for a few hours before I decided to give up and just get ready for drinks with Alex. I hopped in the shower and quickly scrubbed down, worried that I wouldn’t have enough time to be perfect. As I washed myself, I tried to imagine what he looked like in the nude. He was an athletic guy, so I assumed he was lean and muscular. I had only ever seen him in dress clothes for the past six years or so.
I spent way too long drying my long, chestnut hair, making sure that every strand was smooth and in place. I applied a full face of makeup, wanting to look absolutely flawless when he saw me up close. I modeled the rest of my makeup off of the kinds of girls he was supposedly into.
Then, I put on the dress I borrowed from Carol. It was a dark, floral number with a skirt that floated past my hips. It was cut rather low in the front, which wouldn’t hurt my chances with Alex. When it was all said and done, I was pleased with how I looked. I felt sexy, and that was half the battle. Now, I just had to keep calm while talking to my dream mentor. I didn’t want to say something stupid and embarrass myself. I know we were only meeting up to talk about our lives back home, but I still felt like I needed to prepare.
I didn’t want him to know how much of a loser I used to be. I had carefully crafted the right look and personality to succeed in the business world. I didn’t want to let him know that I was probably one of the geeks he used to make fun of. I wanted to give the illusion that I was the cute girl-next-door who was maybe a few years too young to catch his eye the first time around.
My stomach fluttered uncomfortably. I was nervous, but still excited to see where the evening went. Without saying another word to my roommate, I slipped on a pair of wedged heels, buckled the ankle strap, and strode out to my car, buzzing with excitement. With one final look in my visor mirror, I couldn’t help but smile at my reflection. I was basically living out my high school fantasy and it felt pretty damn good.
I escaped from work and made my way to the bar, knowing that I’d be early. However, I wanted to be able to secure a good seat in this place, and it usually filled up around this time. I wasn’t too worried about running into any students, unless they were there with their sugar daddies. I figured that I wouldn�
�t have to worry about running into any other faculty members, as this bar attracted a younger and wealthier crowd. At any moment, I was surrounded by actors, pop stars, people in finance, and your occasional rich kid burning their parents’ money. It was the perfect place to get to know someone in a public setting. The music wasn’t too loud and the lights were low. I had a ninety percent success rate here when it came to sealing the deal.
I ordered a whiskey on the rocks to sit as I waited. On my way over, I decided that it might not be enough to just buy her a drink if I wanted her to be my date to the fundraiser event. I would have to find her something more valuable. Ordinarily, I could find someone to go with me, with no problem. But, I was running short on time, and Rebecca was the one.
She ticked all the boxes. She was fun enough to talk to. I didn’t know anything about her, but as we came from the same hometown, at least we had that to talk about. She was intelligent and she was interested in what I did for a living. She would love talking to my clients, bosses, and future clients. I would have to train her to speak the appropriate amount and not pester, but she would take direction well.
And, she was cute. She wasn’t like, stunningly beautiful, but she was still very pretty. I could probably buy her a ball gown and send her to the salon beforehand and she’d clean up nicely. Yeah, she would certainly do. I had to make sure that she wouldn’t say no. I didn’t have any other leads, and the event was just two days away.
I saw her walk through the door as I was taking my last sip. I drained the rest into my mouth and set it on an adjacent table as I stood up to wave her over. She was dressed to fit in and the dress really suited her. Ripping my eyes away from her ample bosom, I leaned in and gave her a friendly hug before escorting her into our private booth.