Deceit of the Stepbrothers (2 Wicked Stepbrothers, 1 Innocent Girl) Read online

Page 4

  I hear my stepfather murmuring and arguing with someone, but then Blane walks into the dining room, followed by his enraged father.

  “You’re not welcome here,” he hisses and I blush at the thought of tearing the two men apart.

  “I’ve come to apologize,” Blane says softly, and I finally risk taking a look at him.

  He looks good – better than a few weeks ago, that’s for sure. He’s cleaned up, looks healthy, and – the most welcome of all changes – there’s no trashy girl hanging from his arm.

  “Say what you need to say,” his father sighs, but his eyes are stern. “And then get out.

  Blane, Aiden and I all flinch at his harsh words, but finally, Blane nods, coming over to where I’m sitting and pulling out a chair next to me. I look up at him through my thick lashes, my heart beating wildly in my chest.

  “Emme,” he begins, the one word melting my hear immediately. I could listen to him murmuring my name all day long … I shake my head to get the thought out. It’s not right.

  Instead, I look up questioningly, not saying a word. I don’t think I could get anything out, anyway. Suddenly, the chicken we’ve been having has dried up my throat and it’s getting harder to breathe.

  “Emme,” Blane repeats, finally rasing his gaze to meet my hurt eyes. “I know what I did was wrong. I thought it was just something fun, a little tease … Something to take the tension off.”

  I’m mesmerized by those steel grey eyes … I could stare into them forever. So cold, with warmth spreading through them when he looks at me – only me.

  So different from Aiden’s, yet so alike.

  “It was nothing but a bad joke,” Blane finished. Finally, he takes my hand in his and I try hard to stop my hand from shaking, but it’s trembling like a leaf. Reassuringly, Blane places his palm over mine and smiles at me. And I’m a goner, because that smile has always managed to charm me into oblivion.

  “It’s okay,” I whisper softly, offering a weak smile.

  “Well then!” Aiden exclaims all of a sudden, and all our eyes go to him. “Shall we proceed with lunch?” he asks sarcastically, refusing to look at his brother and focusing his burning gaze on me instead.

  I fidget in my seat, feeling uncomfortable all of a sudden.

  “Yes,” my stepfather says, a certain softness in his voice. He places a heavy hand on Blane’s shoulder and father and son exchange glances.

  “Will you join us for the meal, son?” he asks gruffly.

  I hold my breath and steal a glance at my mother, who seems utterly gobsmacked. Aiden has been having Sunday lunch with us for ever, but Blane hasn’t been around for years.

  So we’re all taken by surprise, when he nods with a small smile.

  “I would love to.”

  Quickly, another place is set by the housekeeper, a plate placed in front of my stepbrother, filled with delicious food.

  I think I’m the only one to notice Aiden’s displeasure at the sight of his brother. I sigh inwardly – he’s so protective of me, he even worries about his own twin hurting my feelings …

  But I can’t worry. I’m blissfully happy in this moment, and I let myself experience the feeling, my yearning gaze flittering to Blane every so often …


  After lunch, everyone settles in the day room, but Blane asks me if I’d like to go for a walk. I check with my mother to see if she agrees, and she gives permission, albeit reluctantly. I follow Blane out of the door, trying to ignore the burning sensation of Aiden’s eyes boring into my back.

  Blane and I walk wordlessly along the strip of beach next to our home, enjoying our companionable silence. As nice as that is, I can’t ignore the unsteady beat of my heart, the want for him to touch me, kiss me … Do all the wrong things in all the right places.

  “Emme,” he says after a while, when we come to a stop next to the deck.

  “Yes?” I whisper softly, looking up at him.

  Blane fidgets nervously, his hands in the pockets of his jeans. He can’t quite meet my eye.

  “Why don’t you look at me, Blane?” I ask softly, and he slowly, so slowly, raises his eyes to meet mine like it pains him to do so. And when we finally look at each other, he lets me see all the pain, the regret, the hurt he’s suffered.

  I gasp.

  I don’t know why, but with a single look, he’s bared his entire soul to me.

  And I can tell he’s hurting.

  Hurting bad.

  My hand finds his cheek and I stroke it softly, whispering sweet nothings to make him feel better. It seems to help somewhat, and he soon relaxes into my embrace.

  “You know I didn’t mean to hurt you, right?” he asks desperately and I nod in his shoulder. “I would never,” he continues fiercely.

  “Why did you do that then?” I ask.

  “I was stupid,” he sighs. “There’s no good reason. I wanted to get a reaction from you. Wanted to see your face flush.” He steps away from me, grinning widely, and it’s so good to see him smile. “I always liked seeing you blush,” he says wickedly, pulling on one of my long braids.

  We stare at each other, smiling softly. And I wish, just for one moment, he could forget about me being his little sister, that he could pull me close … Pull on my hair in an entirely different way.

  He leans closer.

  “Emme,” he whispers again.

  “Mmm,” I reply, too stricken to form complete words.

  His hand finds the small of my back, touching it softly, hesitantly. Our touch is so electric it almost makes me bounce back, but I force myself to stay in the same spot, savouring it.

  His lips are so close to mine …

  “Emme, it’s getting dark!”

  My mother’s voice cuts through the moment and my eyes meet Blane’s. The moment is over, and I think I see a flash of regret in his eyes …

  But then he moves in and gives me a peck on the cheek. So brotherly.

  We return to the house, my desire for my stepbrother put out like a summer fire, but hope wildly growing in my chest, like a spark that refuses to go out.

  “Emme, a moment?” my mother calls me when we get back. She smiles softly.

  I nod and follow her into her room. I have a good relationship with my mother, always have. She’s softspoken, but strong minded. She’s the rock of this house, and don’t we all know it …

  “Yes?” I ask, a wild smile growing on my face.

  My mother is facing the window and I can’t see her face, but I can hear her sigh.

  “Is something wrong?” I ask worriedly.

  She sits on her bed and motions for me to come closer. I join her, but she still refuses to meet my eye.

  “Is everything okay?” I ask again. I need to know. I can’t take another blow.

  “Listen, Emme,” my mother says softly, her voice caring, but stern. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you for a while.” She looks up at me. “Do you have a boyfriend, dear?”

  I blush violently. Even though we have a good relationship, my mother and I don’t share these kinds of conversations. I think of the boys at college and shake my head. None of them hold my interest.

  The only one I want is closer to home …

  “Emme,” she continues. “I married your stepfather because I wanted you to have a father. I loved him very much, and the fact that he had a family played a big part in that as well. I wanted you to grow up with siblings,” she says.

  I nod vigoruously and start to speak up, but she silences me with a hand in the air.

  “You have to understand we are a family. First and foremost,” she says, now even more serious. My brows furrow and I look at her questioningly. “I’m talking about your brothers, Emme.”

  I look away.

  “Exactly,” she sighs. “You don’t see them as your brothers, do you?”

  I don’t answer.

  “But that’s what they are, Emme.” My mother takes my hand, stroking it softly, my fingers shaking again. “They are your brot
hers, and they love you very much. But they are boys, and you are a girl … A woman. A beautiful one.”

  I know where this is headed and it’s killing me inside.

  “Emme, I don’t want Blane and Aiden to fight because of you. Always remember. Family comes first.” With that, she tips my chin up so I’m forced to look at her.

  “And Aiden and Blane are your brothers. Nothing else,” she finished.

  I nod like a robot, a single tear rolling down my cheek.


  When Blane gets ready to go, I can’t quite meet his eye.

  He tries to get me alone, but I can’t do it. Can’t face this, because it’s breaking my heart.

  Finally, when he says goodbye and gives a hug, I weakly whisper in his ear. “Goodbye, my love.”

  I shock myself and Blane pulls away, looking utterly confused. But before he can comment on what I’ve said, he’s enveloped in a bear hug by his father. He tries to meet my eye, but I refuse to look at him

  As he leaves, I wave from the door. “Bye, brother,” I say softly, and he looks so confused, so worried, my heart breaks in half all over again.

  And once again, Aiden is the one whose embrace I end up in.

  Chapter 11

  I get up, because I have to.

  I have to warn Blane.

  Have to tell him Aiden’s calling for him.

  I dial his number with shaking fingers and wait as the phone rings and rings and rings. He doesn’t answer, and I leave a strange, crazy message on his voicemail.

  I finally make my way downstairs, cleaning myself up in the shower. I’m scrubbing at my skin relentlessly when I hear someone in the house. Tripping over my own feet, I wrap myself in my fluffy cotton robe, which feels like heaven on my chafed skin.

  I tremble when I come out of the bathroom, and immediately, I’m enveloped in a pair of strong arms.

  “Emme,” he whispers in my ear and I shake with fear.

  He cups my face and brings it to his, looking deep into my eyes.

  “I had to come,” he says. “I couldn’t leave you … Not like that. I don’t care what you did. Don’t care what you two have … done. I just want this, want you.”

  His hands are holding me up and the tears starting falling again as I crumple in his embrace.

  “Blane,” I whimper. “Blane, Blane …” I repeat his name until it makes no sense again, and I let him hold me. I let him carry me to the couch and with shaky breaths, I explain what happened. Watch him check his phone, realizing he came here before he even heard my message. Realizing he cares for me still … And damning fate because he came here to late. Damning his brother when I show Blane where he touched me.

  Another fist slams a wall and another hole blooms in it. They’re so alike …

  Blane takes me in his arms.

  “I will kill him,” he says. And I know he means it.

  He cradles me, but he doesn’t kiss me. His lips are almost touching mine, but he looks in my eyes first, asking for permission. To see if it’s okay. I nod weakly.

  And his touch is soft, but damning. Because I know whomever I choose in this game, Blane will always be the one that I want. As much as I want to forgive Aiden, as much as I want to help him, I want his brother. Always Blane. My Blane.

  We wait for hours for Aiden to come back, and I nearly fall asleep in Blane’s arms as he murmurs it will all be okay in my ear, over and over again.

  And then we forget about Aiden. Forget what he’s done to me.

  Blane carries me to my bedroom, placing me gently on the silk sheets.

  He makes to leave, but I ask him to stay. So he does.

  And he doesn’t fuck me. Doesn’t make love to me.

  What he does is caress my body with a thousand soft strokes, like a butterfly’s wings flitting across my skin. And somehow, that makes it all a little bit better.

  When I’m drifting off to sleep, a sound interrupts my almost dream.

  My cell beeping with an incoming text.

  Blane grabs it before I even raise my head off the pillow, and he grips it so tightly his knuckles whiten. “Who is it?” I ask sleepily.

  He tosses the phone on the bed without answering me, and sits up on the bed with his head in his hands.

  I reach for the phone and read the text, my heart pounding.

  “I know you’re there, you fucker. And I’m going to kill you for taking her from me. You may have made Emme a dirty slut, but I’m going to be the one to ruin her for you. I’ve only just started …”

  I whimper and then I’m back in Blane’s arms.

  I know Aiden won’t come back today.

  But I know he’s out there, waiting for his moment.

  Waiting to claim me and take me from his brother once and for all.

  Chapter 12

  I am torn, being pulled in half by the decisions I’ve made, the feelings I have for two forbidden men, both of them my stepbrothers.

  I am only 21 and I have gone through so many bad things, I wonder how I haven’t succumbed to the dark side yet. My name is Emme Ford and I am going to break in half.

  “You fucker,” Aiden murmurs into his brother’s ear, as I scream my head off. He has his hands wrapped around Blane’s throat. “You stupid fucker.”

  Two brothers.

  One is light, the other is dark.

  They both want me for all the wrong reasons.

  They both love me.

  And I love both of them.

  As I lie in one of the brother’s arms, I wonder about the other. Because this is how it has always been with us – The Rule of Three, not one, not two. Always Blane, Aiden and Emme. Always.

  We lost our footing for a little while, wandered around broken without each other.

  But it is only now that I am realizing maybe two is better than three.

  Maybe one needs to be left alone to wander my himself, not in the other two’s company.

  Maybe, the last one is so broken the two cannot help him.

  And even though it breaks me to know this, I know I can only choose one brother.

  I replay the events of the last month in my head as my heart beats wildly in my chest, wrapped in the arms of one man I never want to lose. But to keep him is to lose another.

  I am an orphan, my parents gone.

  All I have left are my two stepbrothers, and I know now my love for both of them will tear us apart. Just like yesterday, when the twins had their first fight because of me. They would kill each other for me. One for love, the other for revenge.

  I think of Blane.

  Sweet, strong, reliable Blane.

  Blane, who lied to me, betrayed me, hurt me, took advantage of me.

  Blane, who claimed he loved me all the while breaking my heart.

  Blane, who promised me he’s had feelings for me since we were both teenagers, but only managed to confess how he felt when he found it would benefit him.

  I think of Aiden.

  Crazy, wild, laughing Aiden.

  Aiden, who has been my best friend since the day I met him. Who comforted me, loved me, even when his brother did not. Who always stood by my side, and protected me.

  Aiden, who I knew in some part of my brain has been in love with me for the past few years, but never did anything about it.

  Aiden, whom I denied because of his brother, because I was lost in the lie.

  I look at my stepbrother lying next to me. They’re so alike, they look just like each other. Sometimes it’s hard for me to differentiate between the two, and just for a moment, I let myself believe they’ve morphed into one person, so I don’t have to choose.

  But staring at the man in my bed, I know I’ve made my choice.

  Whether I chose the right brother, I’ll never know. But there’s still time to change my mind …

  I can choose a life of happiness and a nagging in the back of my head, or a life of danger, living on the edge, always afraid for my life, but blissfully happy in those rare moments when the sun shines
through the clouds.

  Both decisions will make me happy.

  Both will destroy me.

  I am lost.

  End of Part 2

  Stay tuned for Part 3, Lies of the Stepbrothers, told from Aiden Castillo’s point of view … COMING SOON.

  Haven’t had enough of Stephanie Brother’s writing?

  Want more stepsibling fun?

  Why not read …

  2 Wicked Stepbrothers, 1 Innocent Girl series

  Sins of the Stepbrothers

  Other stepbrother books:

  Stepbrother Beloved

  Stepbrother Holiday

  Billionaire Stepbrother Obsession

  Stepbrother’s Inheritance

  Stepbrother Confession

  Stepbrother Savior

  Stepbrother Forbidden

  All of Stephanie Brother’s books are FREE in Kindle Unlimited.

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