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Faking It: A Fake Girlfriend Romance Page 7

  “What do I get out of it?” I challenged.

  “Didn’t I just list everything you get out of it?” he chuckled. “What more could you want?”

  “An internship, for one.”

  He thought for a second. “Let’s consider tonight your interview.”

  “Fine,” I said after a few seconds of deliberation. “What should I wear?”

  He shook his head and grabbed a scrap of paper and pen from the desk. “I already took care of it. I’m glad you finally agreed, because that dress was expensive.”

  He wrote an address on a piece of paper and handed it over to me. Then, he reached into his wallet and pulled out a credit card.

  “Take a cab to this address for your fitting. If you get there soon, they should have it ready in a few hours. Then, they’ll have it sent to my apartment. That’s the second address. You can get your nails done, or whatever girls do, in the meantime. Come by my place no later than six thirty so you can finish getting ready and we can leave. I’ll have you home by midnight. Is it a deal?”

  I clutched the scrap of paper in my hand, along with Alex Rye’s credit card. This guy was a multimillionaire and he was just giving me free rein to go out into the city and pamper myself for a few hours. For a second, I thought about calling Carol and going out for some sushi to celebrate, but I wanted him to respect me at least a little. After all, this was strictly business.

  “It’s a deal. I’ll go back to my dorm and then get a cab for the fitting.”

  “Perfect,” he said. “I’m really glad you changed your mind. I hope tonight won’t disappoint.”

  I only really hoped that I didn’t disappoint—both Alex and myself. The event that he painted in my mind sounded like something out of a fairytale. Girl goes to fancy ball with the handsome prince, networks with high-powered financial advisors, and lands her dream internship. I could have sold the rights to that movie right there. If the two of us stuck to our duties, I didn’t see why this couldn’t be a pleasant evening. However, the alcohol was starting to wear off, making me feel nervous again.

  “I’ll see you at your place,” I said, the words sounding strange in my mouth. In what universe was I going back to Alex Rye’s place, after the disaster in the bar?

  I started to turn to walk out the door when Alex hopped down from the desk. He gently cupped my cheek in his hand and planted a soft kiss on my lips. I think I swayed on the spot, woozy from this surprise. And, much to my shock, I really enjoyed it.

  “Bye,” I said in a hurry before rushing out of the classroom. I’m not sure if I really heard it, or if I imagined it, but I swore I could hear Alex quietly chuckling to himself as I hauled ass out of the building, my nerves on fire.



  Pacing back and forth across my kitchen floor, I started to wonder if inviting Rebecca to the event was a bad idea. I was inexplicably nervous for something that should have been a piece of cake. I had attended so many of these kinds of events in the past without issue, but there was something about this one that gave me pause.

  Was I stupid for messing around with a student? Ethics aside, was she too young and inexperienced to go as my date? I wasn’t all that much older, but I had been around the business for long enough. Would I be throwing her to the wolves before she even had the chance to cut her teeth?

  Then, there was the matter of pretending we were a couple. For a moment, I wondered if we should trash the whole idea and just tell people that she was one of my students who wanted to know more about hedge fund management. But then, it would invite all sorts of rumors to spread about my teaching methods, and I didn’t want the university to become involved. However, I didn’t exactly know what to say when it came to introducing Rebecca. If someone asked how we met, I couldn’t exactly say that she was a student I had the hots for, and we’re currently using each other to get what we want. That would look worse than not bringing anyone at all.

  I checked my watch for the fifth time that evening. She would be arriving at my place any minute now. I was so eager to see her in the Calvin Klein dress I picked out for her the night before we went to the bar. For some reason, even after she threw her drink on me, I had a feeling that she would still need it.

  While I was nervous for her to be my date, I was also rather excited to spend some time with her outside of the classroom. Hopefully, the setting of our second date would put the both of us on our best behavior. This time, I really did just want to be around her. I don’t know if I had suddenly matured or I was deep into the game we were playing, but I didn’t just want to take her to bed and forget about her.

  Eventually, whatever spell she had over me would break. My feelings for this one woman would dissipate once I lost interest and found someone newer and sexier. That’s just how I worked. When it inevitably happened, I hoped that we could move on with our lives. But for now, I just wanted to spend some time close to Rebecca.

  I heard the elevator ding and my heart nearly leaped out of my chest. I tried to look casual as the doors opened and she exited in wide-eyed wonder.

  “I’ve never been in an apartment without a front door,” she said.

  “Ah, the effect wears off quickly,” I said dryly. “This is my apartment. I’d show you around, but we don’t have a lot of time. I hung the dress up for you in the guest room. Once you get dressed, I’ll have the car come around and get us.”

  “You hired a driver?” she asked.

  “I thought we might as well go all out,” I said with a wink. “It’s just a town car, not a stretch limousine or anything. Go get dressed. The guest room is the second door on the right.”

  She took off down the hall, wearing a normal outfit, not like the one she wore to the bar or to my office hours. She looked cute in her leggings and sweatshirt, her sneakers squeaking down the hall.

  I went to the mirror and checked my bowtie, then combed my fingers through my hair. I leaned down and took a whiff, making sure I smelled good. I could tell that Rebecca had the hots for me, but I still wanted to look good for her.

  She emerged a few minutes later, the long red dress hugging every curve. Her long, brown hair hung down her back in smooth, loose curls, and her big, green eyes were enhanced by thick, dark eyelashes. I saw she was also wearing the diamond bracelet and earrings I had made to go with the dress. I knew she was going to look good in the dress, but I had no idea she would look that good.

  “You—you look gorgeous,” I said, nearly lost for words.

  “I better,” she laughed nervously, “I looked up how much this dress costs. I don’t even want to know how much this jewelry costs. What are you going to do with it when I’m done wearing it?”

  I shrugged. “You can have it as a gift for coming with me.”

  She shook her head. “Absolutely not. It’s too much. Besides, there’s nowhere I could ever wear this again.”

  “You never know. I can always auction this stuff off for charity.”

  “I like that idea,” she said. “By the way, you look really nice, too.”

  “Thanks,” I said. “Now, I just had this dry cleaned. Will you promise me that you won’t throw any food or beverages at me?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Sure. Can you promise me that you won’t give me reason to?”

  “No can do,” I said with a smirk. “Come on, the car is waiting.”

  We spent most of the car ride in silence. I kept trying to steal quick glances of her without her noticing. She noticed, just about every time.

  “What?” she would ask, in a tone that suggested I was teasing her.

  “Nothing,” I would reply, before looking straight ahead. “Maybe we should get our story straight. How did we meet? I don’t mind people knowing you’re a student, but I don’t necessarily want them to know that you’re my student.”

  “Well, we’re both from Hazelwood,” she said. “Why can’t we say we reconnected? No one needs to know that we never crossed paths in the eighteen years or so we overlapped there

  “Sounds good,” I said, feeling relieved. “I guess that’s the major point we need to have covered. Otherwise, you can let me do all of the introductions. You can talk about finance when it’s appropriate, but don’t overdo it. Also, don’t get into any arguments or act like a know-it-all.”

  “I don’t act like a know-it-all,” she said, sounding hurt.

  “Eh, sometimes you do,” I replied. “That’s neither here nor there. Let’s just have a nice night.”

  “I’m kind of nervous,” she admitted, as we neared the event.

  “You’ll be fine. Most of the time, you’ll be listening to speakers or eating. Those things don’t require any thought. Even when we talk to other people, you’ll mostly just stand by me and smile and nod.”

  “So I’m just supposed to be there to make you look good?”

  “More or less,” I said, hopping out of the car. I walked around to the other side before opening her door.

  “Thanks,” she said softly, taking my arm. We shared a look as we stood side by side. As far as fake girlfriends go, this one felt strangely real.

  Once we got inside the ballroom, I escorted Rebecca to the bar. I got her a glass of champagne and got whiskey on the rocks for myself. I wanted her to feel loose and comfortable, and I needed something to help my uncharacteristic nerves.

  Shortly after, we were seated for dinner. Rebecca looked like a socialite, the way she behaved. This wasn’t a My Fair Lady situation, but I had dated girls who hadn’t grown up in society and somehow didn’t learn the rules of basic etiquette. But Rebecca was a pro, sitting with perfect posture like a princess. Where did this girl come from?

  “Lobster!” she said in an excited whisper when the plates came out. In fact, with every plate, her eyes grew a little wider.

  “That’s the most expensive lobster you’ll ever eat,” I whispered back. “You better enjoy it.”

  She smirked and tucked into her meal as our table made light conversation. We were seated with one of my bosses, a current client, and a potential client. No one was talking shop at the moment, and I was eagerly waiting for the right moment to boast my portfolio and numbers for this quarter.

  Rebecca hadn’t said much, but she was still engaged in the conversation. One of my client’s wives was a math teacher, which got Rebecca talking about some camp that she used to go to. It wasn’t something I was interested in, but the wife seemed pleased with whatever they were talking about.

  After dinner, the organization had an auction. To impress our table, I won a yacht rental for a week in the Mediterranean. I wasn’t sure when I was going to even use it, but it was expensive and made me look like a charitable guy. I was pulling out all the stops.

  Then, the floor was opened up for dancing and more drinks. This was my opportunity to do some work. I grabbed Rebecca by the hand and followed my potential client to the bar.

  I talked to him for a while about what I did and how I was doing. The guy seemed pretty interested in changing investment strategies, and I was doing all I could to poach him. At one point, he asked Rebecca for her opinion. I don’t think he was expecting her to give him a very detailed answer, but she did. Even I was impressed with her knowledge and her ability to speak to someone who wasn’t in the business. She completely sold both me, and my strategy to the guy. Once she was finished talking to him, I scheduled a meeting with him later in the week. Afterwards, my boss told me he heard that we were about to gain a new client, and he was proud of my hard work. I could have kissed Rebecca right there.

  Relieved to have finished the work I set out to do, I had a few more drinks and tried to enjoy myself. I looked over at Rebecca and saw her stifle a yawn, the cue that the evening was winding down. People were beginning to depart and it was getting late.

  “How about a dance before we go?” I asked.

  “I don’t really dance,” she said.

  “Me neither,” I replied. “It’s slow dancing, so you just kind of sway around, you know?”

  “Sure,” she said, finishing her drink. We walked to the dance floor, her arm in mine, and we made our way underneath the dim, colored lighting.

  I pulled her in close, and she didn’t seem to mind. We swayed to the beat, her hand in mine.

  “My boss said you’re a keeper,” I said into her ear. “It’s too bad I have to return you at the end of the night.”

  “I had a really good time,” she said. “It’s really cool to see more of what you do.”

  “I’m glad you came with me. I truly think you helped me make that deal tonight.”

  “I don’t know about that,” she said modestly. “I do feel a little bad about all of the trouble I caused before this. On the other hand, if you had only simply asked me to go, maybe I wouldn’t have had to go through all of that.”

  I laughed. “Nothing comes easy,” I replied. “I guess I formally apologize for being rude. It’s not often that people call me on my bullshit. I can’t promise that I won’t be an asshole again. It’s just kind of in my nature.”

  “Just getting to talk to some of the people here almost made it all worth it,” she said. “Do you think they’ll remember me once I’m out of business school?”

  I nodded. “It’s possible. A good impression goes a long way. My boss doesn’t compliment just anyone.”

  I held her close to me as the music wound down. Then, we stood for a moment in silence, our bodies touching. Neither of us wanted to move.

  Finally, I took her by the hand and led her out of the building and into the waiting car in front.

  “Back to my place, please,” I said, not wanting to give Rebecca up. “When we get there, can you circle the block as she changes her clothes, then take her back to her NYU dorm?”

  The driver nodded and took off, rolling up the partition. We sat in the car, no longer holding hands, but we each sat with our adjacent hands on the seat, just in case either of us suddenly felt brave. I wasn’t sure where we were at in our relationship. The night went better than I could have ever expected, but I still didn’t know what was proper protocol. I had put the poor girl through enough, and she had done me such a huge favor that I didn’t really want to bother her again. Not right now, anyway.

  But, if she wanted to stay at my apartment for a little longer, I would not object. Not at all.

  When we returned to my place, she sauntered off to the spare room, shutting the door behind her. I wanted to follow her, but knew it wouldn’t be received well. A few minutes later, she returned in her street clothes, all the glamour from the night gone. Still, she looked good—tired, but with a glow about her.

  She stood in front of me, a smile on her face. She fiddled with her fingers, as though she was nervous.

  “Thanks again,” I said.

  “Don’t mention it,” she replied. “It was great.”

  “I just want to let you know, you really have a bright future in this line of work. I’m not just saying that because you did me a favor. I think I underestimated you before.”

  I held my breath. A compliment from me was about as meaningful as me telling her that I loved her. I didn’t hand out compliments often, especially to people below my status. I had to fight the urge to turn it around into some kind of dig at her, just to feel normal.

  We stood in silence for a moment, neither of us wanting to make a move.

  “Well, I don’t want to keep the driver waiting,” she finally said. “Goodnight.”

  She reached in for a hug, and I gave her a soft kiss on the lips before she departed. Then, I watched as she went into the elevator and left me alone in my apartment, wondering what the hell happened that day.



  The next morning, I awoke to the sensation that there was someone in my bed. I quickly felt the sheet beside me to realize that it was cold. Perhaps it was just a dream.

  I padded down the hall to the guest room and was immediately struck with Rebecca’s sweet scent the moment I stepped inside. It was whate
ver flowery, fruity perfume she was wearing the previous night, and I couldn’t get enough of it. I walked to the long dress hanging from the bathroom doorway and inhaled. I had an almost Pavlovian response to it, my stomach buzzing as it often did when she was near. I picked up the bracelet on the dresser, wondering if I’d have a chance to put it back on her wrist. I had outfitted dates with jewelry before, but she was the first one who declined to take it as a parting gift. Either she was too humble to accept such a gift, or she was expecting to see me again. I hoped for the latter.

  The rest of the morning was spent replaying the previous night in my head. I smiled when I remembered how brilliant she was with my new client. She said that the night was enough thanks from me, but I don’t think she realized how much money she was about to make me. I could shave off a fraction of my fees and probably pay for her entire business school tuition. Taking her to the dinner ended up costing me a few thousand dollars, but she helped open the door to much more income.

  I had already made up in my mind to give her the internship. Or, at the very least, find her an equally good one. I realized that my bosses thought she was my girlfriend, and that might look suspicious to award her such a prestigious internship. But, they knew her and knew what she was capable of, so it might just work out after all. Not only was the she the most qualified student for the job, but there was no one else I’d rather have in the office, even if she did just file my paperwork and pick up my lunch.

  She was stuck on my mind though, and it was making it impossible to do anything else. I couldn’t watch TV without wondering what she was up to. I couldn’t browse through student papers without thinking about all the things we talked about last night. I couldn’t even take a nap for a moment without her soft curves in that snug, red dress in my brain.

  When I took a shower, she was fully on my mind. I kept imagining her in there with me, our bodies sliding around each other while the warm water cascaded down her long hair.

  It was too much. I either needed to call a girl to relieve some tension or do it myself. I knew I could find someone to come over for some lazy weekend sex, but the thought wasn’t all that appealing to me. I didn’t want another girl. I wanted Rebecca.