Fade Back (A Stepbrother Romance Novella) Read online

Page 9

  She couldn’t hear the usual radio but there was a tinny crackle of headphone speakers. Some kind of loud guitars, heavy bass. She approached slowly, no longer cautious of her footsteps. And there, at his usual desk just behind the curtain, sat Fitz. Three days hadn’t altered his appearance, but to Becka’s eyes he was better than ever. No more or less handsome than the first time she laid eyes on him, but infinitely more wonderful for still being as desirable as any man could be. She couldn’t imagine ever getting tired of that low, slouching frame, the rippling muscles, and effortless charisma. Fitz’s head bent low over another extraordinary design of intricate loops and finely-wrought edges. He was so engrossed, he didn’t notice her slipping through the curtain. He raised his head slowly to see Becka standing before him, and without a sound she slowly pulled off her shirt, knowing the murky light hit her pert breasts irresistibly, knowing the warm air was heating up. She wore no bra today.

  Fitz gave away no emotion as he slipped off his headphones. Silently, he reached over to the bench behind him and gathered up his tools. He rummaged through a drawer and found the final color they needed: incandescent red, glowing like blood in the dim light of the deserted tattoo parlor. It hardly seemed the usual place for the consummation of ultimate love, but Becka couldn’t imagine anywhere she’d prefer.

  She lay down on the table again, and it felt so right to her.

  “I—” Fitz tried to clear his throat.

  “Shhhhh… No matter what, it’s you. I don’t want anyone else, I don’t need to party anymore, I don’t care what our parents say. It’s you,” Becka murmured, her eyes closed once again, and she heard Fitz gulp before the pen began to buzz.

  Ever so gently, the tiny heart-shaped space in the very middle of her design was filled, line by tortured line, never to fade away.

  She could feel Fitz’s hands, steady and warm against her flesh, which goose-pimpled with excitement as the minutes wore on. She longed for his touch, but the time spent waiting was sweet enough to sustain her, and she wondered if the feel of a tattoo gun and the smell of upholsterer’s leather would always bring her to a state of arousal.

  She let her mind wander, eager not to assume anything, letting this moment wash over her and simply appreciating it, whatever the outcome. When the pen stopped, she thought it must surely be too soon. She wanted to relish the seconds as they drew out, but the sound of the lotion bottle snapping open, the feel of the familiar damp towel dabbing at her newly-stinging skin, were like Pavlov’s bell. She found her mouth was watering, and her throbbing clit was twitching at attention. Fitz stood in front of her, leaning over to apply the soothing ointment on her burning new tattoo. Becka couldn’t resist running her hand up that denimmed thigh, feeling the heat as she inched upward, knowing that Fitz was as hard as he was all those times before, so pent up with desire.

  Without words, the two surrendered to each other. They kissed, hard tongues hungrily tasting each other’s lips, desperate with need. Becka longed to feel those lips on her clit, that tongue lapping at her throbbing nub, but she also couldn’t imagine resisting this lazy, seductive pressing, the tantalizing sensation of a thick, hard rod constrained and withheld. Fitz made that move, teasing down his fly, all the better to press his hardened flesh against her.

  Becka felt ready to explode, her fingers laced in Fitz’s hair, only vaguely aware of his pumping biceps, of the intense rubbing motion that threatened to send her into spasms of inexcusably early pleasure. With all her might, she pushed Fitz away and hopped off the table, stripping down to nothing and beckoning him over, inviting him to lie down. A heart-warming goofy grin overtook his forcefully sullen expression, and the lolling head of his cock grew even thicker as Becka paused while she readied herself. By instinctive memory, she reached for the drawer, and found the condoms Fitz had stashed there.

  “A ten-pack? You’re a busy guy.”

  “I… I wanted to be ready for you.”

  “Oh yeah?” Becka murmured low and lazy as she rolled the sheath down his cock.

  Fitz, breathing heavy and watching her every move, nodded and bit his lip. “Yeah,” he whispered, his voice hoarse and ragged with desire, “I bought them right after… right after your first visit.”

  “Wait, the very first time?”

  Fitz nodded again, his gorgeous features making a sheepish face, his cuteness vividly juxtaposed with his dominating masculine nudity. That a man so absurdly hot could desire her so much made Becka even hotter, and she was ready for him now, more than ever. She nudged him to lie down, his manhood almost too big to fit the condom Becka expertly applied, but she gingerly climbed on top of him, rubbing her wetness against his stomach as she dragged her hips into position. With a wince and a soft ‘ohhhhhhh’ she took all of his enormous cock inside her, collapsing on the phallus that seemed to have grown since their last encounter. Fitz, eyes rolling back in unbridled passion, moved his hips slowly, apparently determined to leave Becka wild and clawing at him, every teasing motion sending shivers down her spine.

  “Shhh, look up,” Fitz whispered and winked, and Becka looked in the mirror suspended above them, an aid to the artists and now an invaluable addition to Becka’s experience. She threw her head back, and with her gaze locked on Fitz in the mirror, she saw every muscle in his body flexing, and lazy thrust of their tantalizing hips were matched so perfectly that they seemed to be one heaving beast, etched with ink scales and writhing, groaning together on the chrome and leather table. Becka leaned back on her arms, supported by Fitz’s knees. She saw her breasts, swaying yet firm, and Fitz’s slow smile as he reached up and licked his thumb, then brought it to her clit, turning lazy circles over it. This proved too much for her to take, and unable to resist any longer, she whispered “I love you” to the man in the mirror and unleashed herself with animal groans and shrieks, harmonizing with his tones as they both came together in a torrent of feverish whispers and muttered oaths.

  She sat impaled on his ebbing manhood as they slowly, in unison, tried to catch their breaths. They gazed at each other in a trance, the tiny sounds of Fitz’s headphones finally audible over their frenzied panting.

  The tune was something slow and gentle, though far away and unclear to either one of them. But they knew it was there, could feel their song playing. The two of them could make it out—just—somewhere off in the distance. And it waited for them to discover it.


  With an ease made possible by her new rock-climbing hobby, Becka hauled the very last box up the three stories to their new apartment. It contained an assemblage of silly things neither of them particularly needed but couldn’t quite manage to throw out. Jumbled school trophies, yearbooks, framed photos, marathon ribbons and souvenirs, these were memories they’d made before they were a couple or shared together later, the sum of their achievements in a three by two foot cardboard box. Becka could have wept as she brought the very last piece up from the truck, but instead she flung her arms around the man who was busy trying to wave the driver away, yet gladly relented to the insistent kisses of his wife.

  Not that many years had passed since they left this city together. Their parents put up an earnest fight, but their desire to be together could not be overcome, and her dad and his mom had finally accepted their relationship. Becka went to business school and now ran her own promotions company, not so far from the glitter of her old life, but not too close either. Fitz honed his skills even further, and over the intervening five years had amassed a cult gallery following. Exhibitions of his ink toured the country, drawing appreciative oohs and ahhhs from the more conservative crowd while netting commission requests from the hipper attendees. Either way, he was finally being commended as the visual genius Becka had always insisted he was. Together, they had torn through the country on wings of ambition but always circled back to their shared nest. And now, they had bought one together, ready to settle down. Ready to start a family.

  “So, first night back in town,” Fitz murmured into Becka�
��s neck, and she sucked down his scent greedily, as woozily in love as the day she first saw him in that tattoo shop. She was wrong about the two of them looking back and thinking nothing of their month of torturous courtship. It wasn’t nothing. The need they discovered for each other in that heady time imbued undeniable importance to this blip in their history. Their hardship defined their love, and Becka wouldn’t diminish it for all the world.

  “So?” Becka finally responded, batting her eyelashes against Fitz’s neck, gratified by the saucy chuckling she wrought.

  “So….. shall we, well, you know?” Fitz winked and they both giggled, collapsing on their freshly made bed in a snuggling heap.

  “Oh, I think we probably should. Don’t you?”

  Their bodies were lit by the neon light Fitz had insisted on keeping from Dickie’s, and their reassembled bed groaned under their weight against the floorboards.

  “You should oil those joints,” Becka whispered to Fitz before receiving a playful slap on her toned buttock.

  “No boring household talk! Not now,” Fitz’s muffled voice intoned gravely, and Becka stretched out her gorgeously fit body and gave him a playful slap back.

  “Ha! Like you ever minded before, husband.” The word still sounded a bit foreign yet exciting at the same time. They had officially tied the knot one week prior, in a small ceremony attended only… yes, by their parents. “Wanna punish me for being boring?” Becka giggled and thrust her rump in the air as Fitz fell upon it, easing his organ in. Becka groaned and purred beneath his thrusts, the two of them heaving and moaning together, their tattoos vibrant in the half light, the air sticky and hot around them. But Becka wasn’t thinking about any of that right now, too engrossed in the sheer power of her husband’s cock.

  As the couple pumped and groaned their way to a climax, Becka did manage to have one truly coherent thought, one idea ringing so loud and true, not even the combined full-throttled orgasms of feverishly humping couple could drown it out.

  She was a very lucky girl indeed.

  Thank you

  Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. :) Feel free to share your thoughts in a review. Or check out more of my stories here. If you’d like to be the first to know when I release something new, sign up for my mailing list! In the meantime take a sneak peek at another Stephanie Brother story by turning the next page.

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  Preview of Escape (A Stepbrother Romance Novella)

  The last person I expected to see in a police interview room was my estranged stepbrother.


  When I’m called to represent a mysterious client, I had no idea it would put me face to face with the one guy I could never forget. But memories are like shadows, following you around no matter how hard you try to break free from their chains.

  He was my best friend and my stepbrother, but now he’s a stranger.

  Then our eyes meet across the interview room and I know I’m not going to be able to stay away, no matter how many times he warns me it’s too dangerous to become mixed up in his life.


  On the outside I’ve crafted an image to help me fit in; tattoos and muscles, street clothes and a scowl.

  I’ve modeled myself on the man I despise most, the man who took me from a happy home only to neglect me as a kid and use me as an adult.

  I’m stuck in a world I don’t want to be in because there’s nothing for me outside of this. But then Sammie walks back into my life and nothing feels the same.

  She’s beautiful, and I know I shouldn’t want her that way but I do. Just one touch and I can’t get her out of my mind.

  I want to escape but how can I when I know I’ve lived a life that’s put me beyond the point of return. Saving myself now would risk the only girl I ever loved.


  Continue reading by clicking here! [link coming soon]

  More by Stephanie Brother

  Stepbrother Inheritance: Billionaire Stepbrother Romance

  Stepbrother: Caught in the Act

  Stepbrother: Alpha Billionaire

  Stepbrother Frat

  Stepbrother Forbidden

  Stepbrother Possession


  Check out Stephanie’s full amazon catalog here.

  About the Author

  Stephanie Brother writes scintillating stories with step-siblings as their main romantic focus. She’s always been curious about the forbidden, and this is her way of exploring such complex relationships that threaten to keep her couples apart. As she writes her way to her dream job, Ms. Brother hopes that her readers will enjoy the full emotional and romantic experience as much as she’s enjoyed writing them.

  Feel free to write with comments, suggestions, or requests for stories at [email protected]